Tuesday, May 31, 2005

And the French Say… Non!

Well there we have it, the French people categorically rejected the new European constitution on Sunday and the shock waves are still being felt all over the EU.

Personally I’m glad the French voted Non. Not because I object to the concept of a European constitution but because I fear it is a waste of everyone’s time and effort.

To quote a Home Office minister a few years ago "no government can pass any legislation that restricts a future government in any way". This was the reply I got when asking about a British Constitution. Roughly translated it means that if you vote for and enact a constitution (be it British or European) there is nothing to stop a future government just taking the legislation and throwing it in the bin!

That is not to mention he fact that the British Government simply opt out of the bits of the legislation they don't like anyway!

Hopefully, the fact that the French said no will now save us from a referendum on the subject (together with the 6 week campaign that swallows up million of pounds of tax payers money, money that could be better spent elsewhere).

Long live democracy!


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