Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Its fun to be a Halifax customer

Another story that caught my eye last week was the news the Halifax hopes to ban millions of their customers from visiting their Halifax branch.

Apparently the Halifax is trailing a scheme where holders of their Basic bank accounts are asked not go into their Halifax Branch but to contact the bank through telephone banking, over the Internet or through ATM machines.

Ironically, these are the very customers most in need of face to face banking that they are doing this to. The customers least likely to have access to the Internet. The customers least likely to be able to afford the higher 0845 telephone charges. The customers most likely to be forced to use fee paying cash machines!

But I’m sure Halifax are trying this for a reason that is good for all its customers, or you would hope so at least, wouldn’t you? Well alas not. The reason for this approach is that the Basic Account customers are an inconvenience to their more important customers, i.e. those who they make the most money out of!

Well at least we now know exactly what the Halifax really thinks about its customers, don’t we!

Makes me glad I’m moving my mortgage away from Halifax now :o)


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