Friday, August 26, 2005

Its time for another oil company protest...

With the continued high oil prices, which have been reflected in the high price of petrol, the now traditional e-mail suggesting that we boycott some of the large oil companies (in this case BP and ESSO) has started to circulate. As in the past the suggesting is that we simply stop buying petrol from these two companies, which will hopefully send a message to all oil companies that enough is enough!

Now I think this idea is workable and it is admirable that there are some people out there who actually think enough is truly enough and are willing to do something about the blatant profiteering the oil companies are engaged in.

Alas I also believe that there are a greater number of people out there who are just too lazy to do anything about it, other than to moan incessantly about the cost of fuel. For years now we have had these protests pop up from time to time and every time one is started nothing happens. You go past the intended targets petrol stations and they are as busy as ever and the oil companies know this.

The only way a protest like this will ever have an effect is if people actually take it seriously and act upon it. It can work and has worked in the past but everyone needs to play his or her part. Unfortunately the lazy people are content to let everyone else do their part for them, which is why this protest, just like those before it is destined to fail.

Surprisingly I have even heard from one or two people out there who defend the actions of these oil companies so I though I’d spend a few minutes expressing my point of view on this…

I believe that the intended point of this little protest (for little is all that it will be), is not to destroy the likes of BP or ESSO, but to send a message to all those involved in fleecing the motorist that enough is enough! We are fed up with all the taxes associated with using our cars as well as the high running costs when no one will provide a viable alternative solution to the problem of car usage. We have had 20 years of social conditioning telling us that the car is good with little investment in any alternative transportation and policy shows no signs of changing any time soon.

And why should policy change? The oil companies and car makes make huge profits and the government reap the rewards of this in the form of tax incomes whilst giving very little back. As long as we sit here and take it who is to blame for everyone else taking the cream off of the top?

Anyway if you believe the rhetoric that is frequently spouted by the likes of BP, ESSO, Shell, Q8, Fina, etc. etc., then they all sell petrol to us at a loss, so our not buying any would actually be a benefit to them!

Someone did point out that oil companies investing a lot of money in finding alternative resources and fuels and that I have to agree with this, but I do not believe for one moment that it is out of some loyalty to you and I. For years these same companies suppressed the very investment we are now thanking them for.

The oil industry exists with one purpose and one purpose only and that is to make money. We all know that eventually the oil will run out and if the like of BP and ESSO are to continue to make a profit on this day, then they will have to have an alternative ready, hence the investment.

With high oil prices, the oil industry makes ever-higher profits so these companies can afford to spend as much or as little on future investment as they chose. If in 20 years time no alternative to petrol has been found and we all end up walking everywhere, do you seriously believe that anyone in these huge multinational companies will shed a tear for us? Just as long as the profits continue to roll in BP would be happy selling cheese!