Tuesday, January 04, 2005

My first entry...

OK, here goes with attempt 2....

As you can see, this is my first ever Blog entry. As a result I thought it might be a good idea to use this entry as a brief introduction to what my Blog will contain (I hope).

It is my intention to use this Blog to rant about those random things in life that wind me up. This is not a frequent occurrence as anyone who knows me will realise that I'm usually pretty laid back about life.

Occasionally however, things come along that seem to me to defy all logic and reason. I intent to pass comment on these subjects in the naive belief that one day someone will look at these postings and come to view them as the lone voice of reason when things get all political.

I will also probably rant from time to time about my three favourite companies (that's sarcasm for you), these companies being ntl, Dixons and BSi.
So there you have it. Let the Bloging commence...


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